How to Refer to Resources

How to Organize the Reference

1. The reference should be arranged in APA style and Endnote should be used as much as possible.

2. Alphabetical order has been observed in all sources.

3. Ensure that all in-text citations are included in the reference.

4. The method of in-text citation, including the method of inserting Persian and Latin citations, should be consistent with the model of the magazine. To make it easier to identify how to cite sources, it is suggested to include the latest edition of the guide for authors of the journal, and to take help from the articles of the latest published issue of the journal, which are based on the same edition of the guide for authors.

5. The sources should be arranged in alphabetical order, starting with the Persian language sources and then the English language sources, and should be listed at the end of the article.

6. In-text citations to foreign sources should be given in the text in English along with the year of publication.

7. In-text citations to Persian sources (either authored or translated works) should be given in the text in Persian along with the year of publication.

8. In the list of Persian sources section, the bibliographic information of Persian sources is in Persian language.

9. In the list of English sources, bibliographic information of foreign sources should be given in English.

10. In cases where the name of a foreign author is mentioned in the text in Persian, it is necessary to cite the English surname and the year of publication of the work in parentheses and in-text.

11. It is necessary to cite all the sources in the text in context and in this regard, follow the established frameworks of the journal and the APA system.

12. It is necessary to insert the correct DOI of the works at the end of their bibliographic information. If it is old and there is no DOI for a work, there is nothing wrong with not including the DOI.

13. The list of Persian sources should be set in the next line with a thin B Nazanin font size 11 and English sources with a thin Times New Roman font 9 prepared with a space of 1 centimeter.

In-text citation

1. In the in-text citations for the book, write (author's last name, comma, year, comma, page number).

- Source with one author: (author's last name, year, page number) such as: (Wing, 2018, 48)

- Source with two authors: (last name of both authors, year, page number) such as: (Glenys & Cleland, 2007, 186).

- Source with three authors or more than three authors, the names of all authors are mentioned for the first time (surnames of all authors, year, page number) and in subsequent times only the name of the first author and after that the words "and colleagues" (in the version English .et al) are mentioned (last name of the first author et al., year, page number). For example: the first time: (Akrami, Sabori, Mahmidi & Kazemi, 2019, 81). Next times: (Akrami et al., 2019, 81).

2. In the in-text citations for the article, write (author's last name, comma, year).

For example: (Ahmadi, 2020)


1. Book: Surname, authors name. Publication year (in parentheses). Full title of the book (italics). Publisher: Place of publication. number of pages.

- Authored book: Gacek, A. (2009). Arabic Manuscripts (A Vasemecum for Readers). Brill: Liden/Boston.

- Translated book:  Hillenbrand, R. (2006). Islamic architecture (form, function, and meaning) (B. Ayatollahzadeh Shirazi, Trans.). Tehran: Rozeneh.

2. Journal Article: Surname, Name of Authors. Publication year (in parentheses). Source title. Journal name (italics), period (number), number of pages.

Bayar, A & Sami, K. (2009). How a Font Can Respect Basic Rules of Arab Calligraphy. International Arab Journal of Technology, 1(1), pp. 1-18

3. If the source of the article or writing from the Internet is related to a university or government department, with the author's name: surname, author's name. (year of publication). Title. Website address, date of reference.

4. If the article or writing from the Internet is related to a university or government department without the author's name: the name of the organization. (year of publication). Title. Website address, date of reference.

5. Dissertation/dissertation: Surname and name of the author. Publication date (in parentheses). The title of the treatise (italics). Degree and field of study. Name of the faculty and university.

Masoudi, Gholamreza. (2008). Chel Shahid (the first Basij group of war correspondents). Master's thesis in photography. School of Visual Arts, Tehran University of Art, Tehran, Iran.

6. Scientific conferences: last name, authors' names. (year of publication). Title. Name of the conference. Institute (if any) and the city of the venue. Number or number of pages.