Guide to writing and preparing an article


1. How to write and submit an article

- Paykareh scientific journal accepts original and innovative specialized research and review articles that are organized based on the structure contained in the guide for the authors of the journal.

- The full article has not been sent to another place for publication before or at the same time (until the final opinion of this journal is announced). Printing the summary of articles presented in congresses, symposia, domestic and foreign seminars does not have this limitation.

- Do not send your article to another publication until the acceptance response is received from the publication.

- In the text, avoid using English words or terms that have an understandable Persian equivalent. In necessary and necessary cases, the Persian form of the word should be given in the text and its English equivalent in the footnote.

- Received articles will be reviewed and judged by the editor, editorial board and referees, and if approved, will be published after making corrections (if necessary) and editing according to schedule.

- Along with the submitted article, a letter signed by the author(s) of the article should be attached, stating their agreement to publish the article and not to send the article to other magazines at the same time.

- The journal is free to reject, accept, edit, summarize and correct articles, and submitted articles will not be returned.

- The order of inserting articles is subject to the specific regulations of the journal itself and does not depend on the scientific degree and personality of its authors.

- The author is responsible for the correctness of the contents of the article.

- If the article is not reviewed within the deadline given to the authors and is not returned to the journal within the specified period, the journal can remove the article from the agenda. In such cases, it will not be possible to resubmit the said article to the journal.

- The submitted article should be prepared in A4 size paper with single line spacing and 3 cm margins on each side under Microsoft Word environment version 2003, 2007, 2015 and the size of the article should not exceed 20 pages. (You can download the article file formatting example from here)

- The main text from the introduction to the list of sources should be written in one column as Justify with right alignment arrangement for Farsi articles and the distance between the lines should be 1 line.

- The text of the Farsi article should be typed with B Nazanin thin font 12 and 10 Times New Roman and its headings should be written in bold.

- The font of the article (Persian and English) should be the same.

- The submitted article must have a title page (English and Persian), names of the author(s) in English and Persian, structured abstract* (English and Persian).

*Structured abstract: the parts of the abstract are written separately: introduction - research method - findings - conclusion.

- Tables and graphs are numbered in order and used in the text of the article in their place and aligned.

- The title of all the tables above it and the graphs and pictures below them are inserted side by side and the descriptions of the tables, graphs and pictures should be written below them. It is also necessary to mention the citation next to the title of tables and graphs.

- There should be a line between the tables, and it should be in the form of a Table Grid.

- In the figures included in the text, tables and graphs, use a dot instead of (/) for punctuation.

- Symbols and footnotes should start from number one at the end of the article.

- Titles in the article should not be numbered.

- Appendices and notes should be given at the end of the article and after the sources.

- The journal reserves the right to reject or accept articles.

- The journal welcomes suggestions and constructive criticism to improve the quality of publishing articles.

- It is possible to submit an article only through the journal website at the address https// and after registering in it.

- The author commitment and conflict of interest forms should be completed. (can be downloaded in the forms section of the publication)

- It is possible for the responsible author to withdraw from the review of the article only up to one week after sending the article to the journal. After the article has entered the judging process, it is not possible to withdraw. If the responsible author wishes to withdraw the article after the specified opportunity, after the approval and acceptance of the editor, they are obliged to pay the review and arbitration fees. In case the author refuses to pay the set fees, the journal can publish the said article without the author's permission again and if it deems fit, respecting the intellectual rights of its authors.

- The journal reserves the right to evaluate compliance with ethical standards, cases of plagiarism and disqualification of the articles, and at any stage of the article evaluation process or even after publication, it may consider blacklisting the names of the offending authors and disqualification of the articles. to take action

The second paragraph: the order and details of internal titles and the structure of the article

Considering the necessity of observing the writing points and the structure of the journal, it is necessary for the respected authors to carefully examine the structure and internal titles of the article, both in terms of order and in terms of the form and style of writing, and after making sure that the article is in accordance with All the mentioned cases, proceed to send it. The structure and internal keywords of the journal articles are as follows:

- Farsi and English title of the article

- Farsi and English name and surname, Farsi and English organizational affiliation and authors' e-mail address (only download from the authors' profile page from here)

- If the research is based on a dissertation or thesis, it should be written on the first page after the abstract of this article (only on the authors' profile page). .. in the field of ..........., with the title "..............." under the guidance of the second and third authors in the University of ....... is

- Persian abstract of about 300 words and structured including: introduction, research method, findings, conclusion and keywords

- Introduction and statement of the problem (statement of the problem (end with a general question that expresses the research problem) - research questions/research hypotheses)

- Research methodology

- Background of the research (the analytical background including internal and external backgrounds and the summary of the background review should be placed under this title)

- Comparison of research with background

- Theoretical framework (if necessary)

- Discussion and research findings (answers to research questions and research hypothesis testing if available)

- Conclusion

- Research proposals (research implementation proposals if available and proposals for future research if available)

- Acknowledgment (appreciation and thanks to sponsoring individuals and organizations, including mentioning that this article is taken from a thesis, treatise or research plan, etc., should be included under the title "Acknowledgment and Thanks".)

- Footnotes (in limited number)

- List of sources (Alphabetical order must be observed in all sources)

- Attachments if available

- After the final acceptance of the article, the translation process takes place in English.

2. How to organize the article according to the structure of the journal

Author profile page includes:

- The title of the article along with the name and surname and details of the organizational affiliation of the authors in Farsi and English, Orchid code should be given on a separate page. The title of the article and the English information of the authors must match the Persian information of the article exactly.

- The English and Persian title of the article should be specific, short, clear, contain the main variables and the time and place of the research, and refrain from using formulas and abbreviations.

- The name and surname of the author or authors should be included in the order of the main author, the second author and the rest along with the academic rank of the respective organization. It is necessary to identify the responsible author (author in charge of correspondence).

- The address (postal address and zip code), telephone, telephone number, and e-mail of the author responsible for the correspondence of the article and the date of sending the article should be specified.

The original version of the article includes:

- The title of the article should be specific, short, clear, contain the main variables and the time and place of the research, and avoid formulas and abbreviations.

- The Persian abstract is in a non-extensive structured form, between 250 and 300 words along with keywords, including: statement of the problem, objective, research method, findings, and keywords.

- Introduction A brief description of the subject or problem of the research should be provided in this section. The research problem is clearly defined in three topics: the importance of the topic, the current situation in the field of this topic, and finally, the problem and concern that has forced the researcher to conduct this research (without citing and based on the author's analysis, creativity, and concern and relying on previous materials ) to follow. The final question of the research should be raised as a general question.

- Research method: items such as the type of research, research method, how to conduct the research, description of materials and methods used, including sampling methods, statistical methods used, population and statistical sample, data collection tools, validity and reliability, analysis method and Data analysis and findings analysis tools are mentioned in this section. In this way, the materials related to the steps and society, which are related to the topic of methodology, should be given under the title "Research Method" and after the introduction. In this part, the correct method used in conducting this research should be mentioned. How to analyze information should also be mentioned.

- Research background: The research background, including internal and external backgrounds and a summary of the background review, should be written analytically. Comparison of research with background

- Theoretical framework

- Analyzing the findings: The findings of the research and the expression of the findings in a precise and clear way are completely scientific in the form of explanations, tables and graphs.

- Conclusion: The discussion includes the interpretation of the presented results, the reason or reasons for creating such a phenomenon, and mentioning the possible reasons for the agreement or disagreement between the results and providing limitations, scientific and executive suggestions.

- Research proposals: The implementation proposals of the research should be listed. It is required that the proposals are based on research and are related to the findings of the research. Also, suggestions for future research, in this section, the researcher introduces suggestions for future research. These proposals should list some of the research issues arising from this research to other researchers.

- Acknowledgment and thanks: If necessary, acknowledge and thank the sponsoring people and organizations, including mentioning that this article is taken from a thesis, treatise or research project and the like.

- Footnote: including Latin names and terms, necessary explanations (with reference)

- Sources: arranged alphabetically and according to APA method.